Injured? What You Should Know.
Your choice of attorney can be the most important decision you make.
Attorneys cannot guarantee results, they can only promise their best efforts.
Choose an attorney whom you feel comfortable with, and whom you can trust.
Free Consultations
The ethical rules that govern lawyers provide that a lawyer may charge for any advice given, legal or otherwise. However, we believe that every lawyer should offer a free consultation.
We do. And we encourage other attorneys to do the same.
The “No-Fee” Proposition
‘No Fee’ is not something unique to any one firm. An agreement not to pay legal fees unless you recover money for your injuries is called a contingency fee agreement. It is the standard in personal injury work.
The ethical rules that govern lawyers provide that lawyers must offer their clients to pay by the hour if they wish. Lawyers can advance the costs of a lawsuit to their clients, but the client is always responsible for the costs incurred.
Talk to us. We can keep your costs down, while being honest with you about your chances for recovery.

Michigan’s “No-Fault” Auto Insurance Law
In Michigan, having ‘No Fault’ insurance means that coverage exists for accidental injuries arising out of the operation or use of a motor vehicle regardless of who is at fault. Be prepared to answer the questions:
“Were you involved in an accident that result in an injury to a person?”
“Was the vehicle involved a motor vehicle or motorcycle?”
“Did the injury arise out of the operation or use of a motor vehicle?”
Problems sometimes arise when you are injured by an at-fault driver who has no insurance.
Talk to us. We can help you navigate the system and, in most cases, get you money for your injuries.
Talk to Us
If you or a loved-one has suffered a serious injury the result of a motor vehicle accident, talk to us and ask for a free consultation.
We will explain your rights and help you navigate the No-Fault system.
Call (616) 414-4589 or send us an e-mail.